your girl definitely got a new blackberry today too! life is just too good right now.
my pin is 31F5DA5E.
if you got bbm, hit me up (:
Mikey F. Baby
Can You Keep Up?
my pin is 31F5DA5E.
if you got bbm, hit me up (:
Mikey F. Baby
until today gah damn! made sure I got my shit. dang. now I don't have to depend on nobody to take me anywhere. and that's a great feeling. nigga....when im hungry , I can just ride out and get me some shit. nigga...when I'm thirsty, I can just ride out and get me some shit. nigga...when I just feel like GOING, I can finally just GO gah damn! lol lemme stop. I am acting a pure fool.
you know whts some shit tho??...I wrote this note while driving. lol
Mikey F. Baby
so. prom is coming up, in like, two weeks, and...I am not going.
you me..prom really isn't tht big a deal. I mean, it's just a big party where you get dressed up just to try and show out or whteva. and the money spent on some of the shit is ridiculous. I mean really....
and drama kinds surrounds prom too. this is like...the drama high of the year. it's kinds funny to me at times. all these people freaking out and getting mad at each other just because of prom and it's complications. I just don't get you?
me and the bae were talking abt it and we just decided tht we were gonna go next year since it will be out senior year. then do it big just for the heck of it. haha. me an him have the same views on prom. nice.
now it's time to wait and see how everyything will turn out. who's going with who. wht they wearing. all tht ish. all I have to do is look on FB for all those answers because I am sure tht there will be plenty pictures and whtnot.
so have fun you guys. (:
oh and one last question...WHO HAVING THE AFTERPARTY?!? lol I will be up in THT btch...
Mikey F. Baby
why is tht? some dudes are so against gay people but when they find out it's a gay girl they like oh, thts ok. ?? but didn't you just say all gay people going to hell? so wht is it? idk. I was just thinking abt tht.
I guess I'll go work on my school
work now. last day of spring break is today. ):
Mikey F. Baby
I got a twitter account today, just to see wht all the hype was abt. not really sure abt it yet, but ok. ha. maybe it'll be as Bangalangin as they say.
I got my Suicide Girls photo book today. and for you losers who think I'm talking abt the killing suicide, smh. Suicide Girls are fckin awesome. and the photos are nice. I love the photographer, Missy Suicide. she has always done great work. you guys should check her out!!!
but yeah. I'm abt to go get something to eat, so I'll hollaaaa!
Mikey F. Baby