Wednesday, December 31, 2008

fare well 2oo8, hello there 2oo9...

mmmm. this year has been truely AMAZING.
i have learned so much, its not even funny.
lets take a lookie shall we....
i made some, i lost some.
they came, and they left.
i learned who was real, and who would always be there for me. ALWAYS. and i will forever appreciate them. i still have friends tht i have been kool with since elementary days. they are truely the best!!!
there are also some ppl who i learned that i cant trust, with shit. they jst couldnt handle it. and i cant surround myself with ppl like tht. no mam!
so i am now prepared to go into 'o9 hopefully making new friends, ppl i can party with, & possibly even some kiddos i could potentially call besties one day. (:
ive learned tht all are not jackasses....but most are. the nice ones come out of the mst random places, i tell ya! but there are a few good ones. see fellas, im not puttin all yall down! but i did find myself to be in a relationship with one of those jackasses in sheeps clothing. he was truely the worse. ive learned to be more independent, ya digg? i cant expect everything from a guy. in 'o9, i will definitely stick to my type, and someone tht can truely handle my personality and lifestyle.
i have really got to work harder on my compositions and beats, as in putting in more time. in 'o8 i got juliard representatives lookin at me bc of a song i composed over the summer. thank you, thank you. so i must be doing something right, eh?
as for my beats, i will start to let other rappers and singers hear them, and do they thang on em, if they so please. i never thought of trying to do any industry stuff with my music, but then an old bae gave me some words of wisdom, and showed me a new direction. i mean hey, why not take something i enjoy doing, and giving it to other artists so they can do what they love the most.
i learned i gotta live for myself. not my mom, not the grl tht sit in front me in us hstry, not my cute lil puppy, nobody but ME. i cant please every freakin body all the time. so ima jst please myself. now, tht doesnt mea ima jst start being rude & not caring about whatever i do to others. nah. it jst means that im not gonna compromise myself jst to make others happy. im gonna up my GAME even more. jst keep swagga splashin em. haha.
im becoming more intouch with my inner self, and i like it.
'the spirit of a hustla, and the swagga of a college kid'
i will be unstoppable, no matter what. im fully determined ot make 2oo9 mine, and milk it for all its worth.
with all my love, and wishes for the best. this is mikey, giving 'o8 the deuces, and sayin bonjour to 'o9

Monday, December 29, 2008


so. im up. thinkin. about him. he hasn't called yet, and I doubt his
practice has lasted til ten thirty freakin four pm.

geez, why am I bugging ab some nigga that im not even with. and I have
a bf! now I feel bad. but I can't help itttttt.

I have got to stop stressin. he'll probably txt or whatever around
twelve something. and ill probably be up sketching or composing.
depends on how im feeling.

come on tee. you're fatiiee is waiting on you


tee and fatiiee, back at it!

so, I am seriously happy because I have jst 'reconnected' with my bud travares. it has probably only been a month and some days since I last talked to him, but it seems like for fckin ever! I missed our convo soooo much. it feels great to have him back in my life.

ok, let me start frm the beginning. I met travares online via FB [facebook]. we had probably been in each others friends list for a good minute, but we never talked. so one day I worked up the courage to talk to him via chat.

and it went great. we soon got to talking to each other jst ab every single day. and he turned out to be this über kool person. I swear we poured out each other's life story to each other. but then, the talking jst kinda....stopped.

a month goes by and we haven't really talked on FB in a while. so, Christmas goes by and I [f i n a l l y] get my fone. yay me! (: I give tee my number through a msg. tres dias go by.

im sitting in bed at twelve something am and I hear my txt tone go off. I ignore it at first bc I think it's jst bj [I'll tell you about him another time]. I look at the fone and decide tv chck the msg. and low &' behold its freakin tee!!

so I was pretty much the happiest girl in the world. and in still feeling tht joyus feeling. I think the feelings I used to have for him are coming back. but I have a bf.

uhhhh ohhhhh =/


Sunday, December 28, 2008

who's house??? runs house!!!! sitting here watching the previews for angela and vanessa's
new show and runs house, and hey! they kinda remind me of my family
[when im with my stepmom and daddy ]. this is weird. lol.

like seriously, rev run reminds me of my freakin dad, in his ethics
and how he looks [bald head and size wise]. haha, I think that's just

I think it's pretty kool too tho. i worship the whole run family. they
are a pretty near bunch. my fab would have to be Diggy, of course.
that boy just don't know! if he was only a couple years

but yeah, just felt like blabing away and letting some thoughts out.
i think ill go take some pretty rad pictures now. deuces ppl (:


one bored chica

So I'm sitting here, bored cause bae got mad at me for some unknown reason and went to bad. He's being a real fucktard right now. but who cares. when he does stuff like that, I'd makes me wonder if I really want to be with him or not.

he's kinda not my type. the first time we got together freshman year, he seemed perfect. but now he just seems like a regular guy. hmmmm.

I need something different than all these cookie cutter dudes around here. why do they all have to act alike and have the same freakin style?!?!? do they not have a mind of their own?

ehhhh, who knows...