Saturday, July 24, 2010

loose ends

im spreading myself & my time too thin too busy trying to please everyone. so i've decided that im just going to cut EVERYONE off and stay to myself & stay in the house. because being nice gets you no where. and now i only have niko.......if even that. i must be in a really down stage to let feelings get involved, but oh well. thats just how it happened. feelings come....and they can easily be gone.

Monday, July 19, 2010


howdy do fellow bloggers? i know i've been gone for a while, forgive me. but i've been cuddling up with tumblr :/ ahhh, but im back now, so smile :D well, i guess we can get right down to business, eh?

General Life: i havent really been up to much. just working and chilling...the usual. yesterday...well, two days ago i went dorm room shopping and got loads of stuff, and there's still more i have yet to get. im PUMPED!!! my room colors are grey, a muted yellow, white, and the default blue for blogger links lol. that's the best way i could describe it. i originally wanted my room to beb lack, grey, and red, but i swear i could not find ANYTHING with those colors. i felt so defeated :/ so i went to the next best thing. i could have easily done the bright colors like every other girl has and like ive seen in dorm rooms, but those colors would get on my nerves, and i didnt want me and my roommate having any chance of getting our things switched up and confused o_O. speaking of roommates i can't find mine for shit. and it doesnt help that i cant log into my uncg email at all. :( i have to call the school tomorrow to let them know of that problem. my move in day is August 20th. rashaunda and i have the same move in day AND we stay in the same dorm, so you know im excited :D !!!!!! our parents are uber excited too. i would like for them to calm that shit down though!! lol

Personal Life: welp. pat and i....are pat and i. i guess you can call me lady sneakahead now[his twitter name is @dr_sn3kahead23]. he gave me that name by the way. anyway....i dont know how i feel about me and pat. i feel like there could be so much more if i would just put some effort into it. but i find myself not caring for him as much as i care for tia. :/ there are times when i really wish i could make tia mine, but then sometimes she jst makes me go ughhhhhhhhh!!!!! all because she still loves raheem. which i guess i can respect. eh, BLAH! i just know i need something...exciting...something new. or what? idk. but niko is all of that for me. and i feel as if he wants to start someting since he's no longer wth deveny [lord that chick doesnt like m AT ALL, but little does she know that i really have done nothing but be a friend to niko and just listen to him talk. that's it]. and i really wouldn't mind actally giving into my desires of being something to niko but a couple of things bug me. one: people think they have me all figured out and i swear everyone is UL thinks they know who i want/like. smh. two: pat is still there. three: our age difference. im 18. niko is 27. niko is a grown man who was ready and willing to start a family which is DEFINITELY NOT in my near future at all. and sometimes i feel like he just disregards my age, though he's well aware of it. along with everyone else who's knows bout me and niko being as close as we are [alvin & zakiya...and of course my friends know. but i mean on his end] even when tia kind afound out about us, she was like "wtf?! he's a grown man". but *shrug* i can't control that. i sometimes forget his age myself. i forget my own age. this summer all i've been hanging around is 21+ people. i dont know how that happened. but im getting off track...back to the topic at hand. niko was in such a depression for a while and such a funk and all i could do was offer to be his friend and be there for him when he needed to talk. i'd just let him talk...and say what i guess he couldn't tell to deveny. eventually, he got tired of that feeling. i told him he was Lion...he supposed to be strong...but he said he gets tired of being the strong one & why can't he just hurt sometimes? and that kinda hit home for me and my heart went aww. i told him he could lean on me and he simply asked "can you handle all this pain?". well.....all i can do is help him cope with it. and help get his mind off of things. and that's exactly what i do. i'm supposed to be chilling with him tomorrow. who knows how that will go. hopefully i can make my lion smile....a genuine smile. not just one to cover up the pain. that was my goal for this summer, and i can only hope that i can fulfill that goal . not even for me......bur for him.

Monday, July 5, 2010

lonely, again.

its about 4 in the morning & i have nobody to talk to. i used to talk to pat around this time when he was in germany, cause he would be awake, but now he's back home & he's sleep right now, like a normal person should be doing. but i want to talk to him. i miss him. he kinda upset me the other night/morning, but i got over it. i just have this lonely feeling right now. i wanna be all cuddled up & stuff with him right now. ugh, im having a weak moment, but it's all good. haha.

and me being lonely adding on to the fact that im horny as fuck doesnt make this any better. SMDH!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

well hello there. just felt like blogging a big since i haven't been up here in a while. so, it's about 3 something in the afternoon, and i woke up not too long ago. my sleep schedule is ALL fucked up, geez. and i'm craving some more red velvet cupcakes right now, but i'm too lazy to go to the store and get the mix :/ anywho, my life has been pretty ok. a little dull since the summer started, but overall good. i need new excitement in my life. not a new person [which i originally thought i needed] but someting to keep me busy and occupy my time...something i can look forward to everyday. and as of right now, i dont have that. my excitement used to be photography, but since i don't have a camera i guess i really can't take any amazing pictures now can i? hmph :/ i'll have to solve that problem soon.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


so, i've come to the realization that im lonely. truly lonely. and i dont know why i feel so lonely, but i do. i need a new companion. someone who's good for me and trustworthy. ya know? i only want this during the summer tho. someone i can call mine until i leave. i want Someone to be able to run to, Someone to cuddle with, Someone to share my nights with. definitely lonely.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Back....Kinda. :)

Heyyyy you guyssss. It's been forever and a day since i last posted something, foreal. I kinda misses yall *tear*.

Well, here's some new things. Part of my hair is a different color now, i have one day left of high schol, graduation is right around the corner, and i think i have a summer fling...or two? haha. Life is a bit crazy right now, but im managing. Im just ready for the rest of this week to be over, so i can say im officially done with high school. Then graduation is next. I get my new car from my popz, walk across that stage, then im out this biotchhhhh. :) I'm going to make my summer the absolute BEST it has ever been. And then i'm going to start my new chapter in greensboro as a UNCG Spartan. :) aren't yall so proud of me? lol im so ready for the college life.

i can only imagine what kind of crazyness and mess i'll get into once i hit up the boro..........

Monday, May 17, 2010

iWin. You Lose.

what exactly am i losing by not being being you? not a damn thing! :) you had no job, no car, no money, and cheated an lied like hell. you are doing me a favor actually by playing me and going to some other side girl. now i dont have to worry about you anymore and that is the best feeling EVER!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Laugh Of the Day.

so, there was a kid riding his bike around the local piggly wiggly. everytime he would go around the building he would point and say "i run this....all day...."

Monday, April 19, 2010


i loved him....but i was in love with him*

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Im Saying...

is it weird to catch an addiction to weed this quick?

Spring Break

So, its been a while since i posted and all. My bad. :) But anyway, im on spring break now, thank you jesus! i've needed this break for the longestttttt. And even tho i didnt get to go to the beach with my friends, my spring break has actually been pretty awesome. :D

Im happy my bestest friend Danielle is back, now i wont be soooooooooo bored. She told me all the stories and showed me pictures from the VA Beach trip. Haha, had me rollinnnn. But we've been having fun too! We chilled with my niggas J. King, Rob, Quez, and Howard yesterday. Lil Rob is the cutest thing i swear. lmao. Haha. We went to the still laughing about lal of us discussing whether we wanted to sit down in R&R or not, and how if we wanted to, we could just take this girl seat. lmao. You had to be there to understand why it was soooooooooo funny.

but anyway, the carnival is here too. i went to that with my friend Jaz. we ended up leaving with my cuzzo and Dev, and meeting up with J.King and them. now THAT was a pretty interesting night. smh. i wanted to go to the carnival with NKW, but his allergies were acting up, so that was a no go. blah

but yeah, thats it for now, but spring break is still just getting started. i have a feeling a lot more will be happening. heheh :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It Was Never There...

the fact that i used to love him...
the fact that his opinion used to matter most...
the fact that i could never picture myself without him...
the fact that i thought he felt the same way...
the fact that i know he cheated while we were together, but i never said anything...
the fact that i know he lied numerous times, yet i never said anything...
the fact that he makes assumptions, which are complete bullshit...
the fact that i would still go back to him...
the fact that he just couldnt handle me...
the fact that he couldnt accept me...
the fact that he was a true asshole, which will get him absoultely no where in life...
the fact that he's never been right...not even once....
the fact that his ego is too big for hisself....
the fact that his ignornace and stupidity blocked me from really opening up to him...
the fact that i dont regret a bit of it tho...
the fact that i can say im completely over him and that phase of my life...
the fact that i have so much more and much better things in life waiting for me...

the fact that he doesnt even matter now.....

its amazing how he was once everything to me, and now i just see him as another nigga in the hallway. his mouth and actions always fcked him up, and he never learned from em. i realized i was slowly being dragged dow, and i gained nothing from the relationship, but knowing what its like to love someone for their all, but not having them love you back the same way.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Remember This.

"Never Let Anyone Who's Accomplished Much Less Than You Talk Shit About You.....Period"

Side Hoe.

Realize....He's Mine.

So either learn to stay in your place as the side chick and stop tryna take my place as his main, or completely disappear. As you learned before, trying to take my place isnt going to work, so i suggest you either back off like i told you, or find someone else. Simple as that. I wont be nice for much longer. Know that. So take my advice and go hop on another nigga dick. Bitch. :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Time.

spring is cominggg, and im excited :)
im ready to get all girly in my semi pastel colors and little skirts. haha. awkwarddd. but, seriously, im ready for the gorgeous weather, and everything that comes along with spring. including spring break, prom, and the ending of senior year.

Spring Break is going to be the BEST! i get to spend that time with my girls crystal, rashaunda, and danielle. and we are going to go wild. our spring break will be spent in va beach, away from the rest of the Durhamites that are going to Myrtle Beach. i need to buy a new bathing suit, btw. i just may do that today :) i want a gold one! :)

prom is also fast approaching. and yes, i have my prom date. mr Nicholas Keith Warren :) im really excited for prom, which is kind of surprising. not sure what color i want to wear, but i do know i want a short dress. dont really like how long dresses look on me. makes me feel and look even shorter than i already am. :p

and graduation. boy, oh, boy. i am SO ready for graduation, and move on with my life outside of durham. i will be attending UNCG :) and i plan on double majoring in either Biology and Spanish Or Chemistry and Spanish with a minor of French. pretty awesome, right? the college is having a campus visit day for everyone that was admitted this coming up Saturday, so i will definitely be going to that. hopefully, my dear rashaunda will be able to accompany me also.

well, thats really all for now. anything else new going on and ill be sure to fill you guys in.
P.S. Bryce and i are on good terms, and im pretty content with where we are.

Who's Better?

The Notorious BIG or Pac?

just wondering...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ok, so, as you guys kow, im usually all for shit talking, but one thing i really can't do i bash my ex. I cant just sit here and talk shit about someone i once cared for very deeply. And i'll look on twitter and see the shit everywhere, look on facebook, see it all in status' and what not, hell, even look in blogs. But i just can not sit here and talk shit about my ex. They are an ex for a reason. i dont need to focus anymore time and energy into them. im not going to sit there and try and make you look bad, or go in on you or some other random shit like that, because it is in no way going to benefit me. At all. What is me talking shit about you going to do for me? When i see that, that just means that person still had feelings for the other and they just ryna over it up. *shrug* well, thats my take on things. Not gonna say its the case for all. but anyways. I dont talk shit about people i cared about, and im not going to let another person disrepsect them either. Someone tried that shit today in my formspring inbox, and i shut it down quick. Theres no need to be rude as hell. Give me a reason for that shit? Let them live their life, and ima live mine.

And i find it so funny when people tell me to try and go ham on my ex. Nigga, for what?! "Cause he be tryna go in on you sometimes" Ok, and? im not getting hurt by that shit. if he feels like he has to do all that or say all that, then let him. he isnt dong a damn thing to me. so what would be the point of me "goin in" on him? all that shows me is that he dont know how to handle shit in a mature way. its not making me look bad at all. shitttt :) but i dont really give a fck, because, lets face it, thats just how that nigga is. i still got love for the boy, no doubt, but none of yall can get me to the point where ima make un needed comments and shit like that soley about him and shit talking him. not gonna happen. so, take that how you want, or whatever, shittt, idgaf. ayeee. hhaha

P.S. Now, if he came at me directly....that would be a different story ;)

Hair Cut :)

Today i got my hair cut. And now i :) I've been wanting to get my hair cut for soooooo long, but i never knew if it would look right on me. So today, i just went for it. And i love it! and other people like it too :) i want to add some color to it a little later. maybe a golden brownish type color or whatever [?]. now im ready to go to school to see everybodys reactions and see what they have to say. i know there will be some hater type ish said, but idgaf. fck yall :)

P.S. Excuse the junkiness of my closet in the background of the pic. Haha

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ms Roddeyyyyy, Ms Roddey.

Look at my old shawty. Gorgeous aint she? Yup...that's old bae, and she'll probably kill me for using this pic, but oh well. Lol. but anyways, meet miss Ayana Roddey. The middle name shall remain unknown. lls. She's a good girl, and i pretty much took her thru some shit. And i kinda don't like myself for it. But i mean, hey, what's done is done. But umm..lemme start from the beginning. First day i met her was during her freshmen orientation [chill out, i know she young like shit] and she was a student in one of my classes. Im busy talking about riverside and stuff and ask if anyone has questions, and she raises her hand, and goes on to tell me that i had on really nice shoes. Lol. And the rest of the kids agreed. After that we would talk on facebook a lil. See her in the hall say a lil hey. Then there was the football game. Shawty was crying cause of some grimey shit her "friends" said/did or whatever, so i decided to walk around with her until she calmed down and whatnot, ya know? She was even pretty when she cried doe :) but anyway, the next couple of days she started freaking out cuase there were rumors going around bout me and her and blah blah blah. it was ridiculous. Though, now that i think about it, it was pretty ironic. But yeah, soon after that, she came out to me.....and then we kinda started talking :) lol and a lil while after that...she was mine and i was ALL smiles. Happy like shit. And couldnt nobody tell us nothing. Straight like that! Oh yeah, thats also when that lil nigga had problems with me, cause i lowski too his girl. Lmao. i felt a little bit bad tho...but kinda not really. And then there was the homeoming game. It was the best :) And the next football game after that, when we sat in the stands and froze our asses off together. But then things kinda started going downhill. "people' were involved, feelings were hurt, and it all came crashing down. And thats when it went alllll bad. I really didnt wanna let her go, but i had no choice BUT to let her go. .......from then to now, we done had ups and downs, not talking at all, dont even look at each other....but now...we good :D and i cant help but smile when i see her name pop up on my phone. I really do miss all the smiles, laughs, and good times we had...and all the ones we should have had. but theres nothing really left to do now, except let our friendship get stronger, back to what it used to be, and see what happens from there on out. I take back all the wrong things i've done, everything i've said, and everything i've put her thru....And if only i could go back and redo things.....

But if i was able to change things in the, things would be a lot different now.
Ms Roddey, I'll Always Be Here For You Like I Said I Would...And I Won't Forget Nor Leave You Behind.


Yeah, i've given in and i got a formspring. smh. lol But Aye, ask me whatever doeeeee.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Continuation To Overdrive.

Aint Gone Tie Me Down.

Legacey Verse:
Know we been together for a minute,But uhhh, its kinda been forever since we been in,
The kinda situation not involving other womenAnd its pretty obvious that your kinda tripping,
Like who the hell is this bitch?,Lookin a hot mess,
What you fell for this chick?
You know we got problems and you failed to fix it,
I'm like, you need to go somewhere else with this shit,Because I aint gone put up with you,
Talkin bout how she make you uncomfortable,
Like I mean, shit im only seventeen and uhhm ahh Perfect couple is only in a dream,
And right now im pretty much away for this Relationships?,
I think you should wait for it,
I mean later we could try things out but not right now,

Cant Tell Me That Shit Dont Make Sense Doe.
Just Saying.

"I'ma Keep It 100..."

Alright, so everybody says that they want people to always keep it 100 with them and just be real and whatnot, correct? Ok, i can digg that, but the fact of the matter is, some of yall can't handle people keeping it 100 with you, no matter how much you say you want it 100. Feel me? You can swear up and down that you can't stand people that lie or can't just say something straight up, but the truth is, YALL CANT HANDLE THAT SHIT. Lol. And im not saying everyone like that. There are some real ass muthafckas who can hold their own, and wont get offended or no shit when someone actually keep it 100 or wont be like "wtf??!". But then there are others who just are like....why you telling me this? or this that and the third. Man, fck this typing shit, cause i feel like im not fully getting my point across, but this the only way i got to share right now, so bear with me. Lol. But yeah, i think its just people out there who lik ehearing themselves say "keep it real with me, cause ima always keep it 100 wit you" blah blah blah, but...nah, some of yall just cannot handle the realness that comes with someone keeping it 100 with you.

Man, you know what, fck this. Im making a video about this shit, cause typing aint doing me justice. I'll post it up a lil later. Lol


Yeah, these songs pretty much describe my mood right now. I have a lot of emotions going thru me at once.

So, yeah...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

V Day Outfit

So, here is one outfit ive created. Might do something girly like this.

Or i may do a more down played outfit like this. not quite sure yet.

Either way, ima be fly. haha

Saturday, January 30, 2010


So, it snowed last night, and by this morning, everything was pretty much a Winter Wonderland. Meaning all activities planned for today were cancelled, so i was pretty upset about that. I woke up pretty late today tho, and wasnt able to go play with Smokie in the snow. Sorry hunnie. lol. I didnt really have anything to do today, so i hit up my friends Kelcie and Maleekah and we all went and played in the snow together, and went bobsledding down this huge hill. It was EPIC. Lmao. We plan on doing it again tomorrow, with more people, and more sleds. We also went walking around in the snow, and watched as cars drove by us, fish tailing and almost crashing all along the road. It was funny but not funny at the same time. Lol. What could possibly be so important [besidese work] that you are risking you and your cars safeness by driving on iced out roads??Im almost crashing into my friend just WALKING, so i know youre almost crashing into ditches and trees DRIVING. Haha. While i was playing i told Babylove to come play in the snow with us. He told me he would come after taking a shower, but that shower took wayyyy too long, and by that time everybody was freezing cold and hungry so we all went home. Lol. The walk home was a serious workout also, omg. I could feel it in my legs by the time i got home.

But all in all, today was a pretty good day. Life is going well also....:)

Ciao for now.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dont Drink & Drive.

This video should be enough for you to show that it's a bad idea to drink and drive.
That is all.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Aight, what it dueskii people? My niggas and i got a group going called M.$.T. for the fellas, and Lady M.$.T. Me and my nigga J.King CEO's. of course, and we seriously bout to be all about the money. We bout to be on our party shit, feel me? And what bull city need right now and a new party group, and a new way to party. And we bout to give the people what they want. M.$.T. bout to turn shit up!

Pretty Ricky Jr.'s

Ok, i'm guessing this is just me, but i just cannot watch videos of dudes grinding any and everywhere. I go on Youtube to find a song to listen to and up pops videos of these lil niggas grinding hard like shit. Tht kinda mess just turn me off for some reason. It makes me go ughhhhhh. Lol. Here is a prime example.

I almost threw up while watching that. Yeah.. it's like that. Lol. Im guessing its the gay side coming out of me or whatever. Call it whatcha want! But i really cant watch things like that. And it's even worse when its a group of guys all going at once. Smh

Friday, January 22, 2010

Mo' Money Taxes.

All i can do after watching this commercial is shake my head. I used to think tht this was just some made up commercial, with people trying to be funny. But then i found out that Mo' Money Tazxes was real. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??! Do you all realize how far back this video has put Africans Americans now? Just when we were started to prove we are just as intelligent and not every black person is ignorant, this shit comes along. I wanna find the person who had this idea, the person who allowed this to be played on television, and the person who thought that it was ok to make this commercial, and bitch slap them all. All of them! I consider that commercial some real coon shit, fo real. Lol And they really consider themselve real business men too. Smdh! That is all i can do.........

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Whats up everyone? Hope all is well :) This post is going to be about confidence. Some people have it, some dont. Simple as that.

Recently, i got into this altercation with this girl about something really stupid. At some point she comes out and says "You're just jealous. Look at you. You're hideous." After hearing her say that, i wonder, is this chick in some way insecure? Is there a reason you feel the need to make a statement like that, when the argument had absolutely nothing to do with looks. You just up and out the blue, say something like that. And i start to laugh, and ask "Are you insecure or something? What makes you say that? Do you think you're ugly??" She responds with "No, i know i'm pretty". Ok, so did you say that to try and point out that you think you're pretty and you think im not? Are you that simple minded?

She can tell me im ugly all day. She can mix it up and say 'Hey bitch, you're fucking ugly' but that isnt going to bother me at all. You can say all the nasty shit you want to say to me all you want, its not going to hurt my ego, or make me feel bad at all. You can comment on how i act, how i dress, all that, and you wont hurt my feelings one bit. You know why? Because i have confidence. I know i'm unique. I kow i'm not like everyone else. I feel no need to be like everyone else. If you do, then thats a problem you have within yourself. You're letting your insecurities take over by you saying words, and trying to put me down. And you can try all you want, but i can tell you right now, it's not going to work. At all.

Trust me, i've heard it all. Im going to hell for liking girls, i'm just a confused person because i'm bisexual, i'm weird and can't define myself because i like to dress like a chick and a dude, i'm bald headed cause i like wearing my hair short. Trust me. I know damn well i'm not going to hell, i'm not confused because i know i like boys AND girls, yeah, i like dressing like a chick and a dude and i pull that shit off nice as hell, if i may say so myself, and no hunny, i am not bald because i wear my hair short. Bald is having no hair at all. Get it right. So dont try to come at me and point out my 'flaws' because you have some hidden insecurity within yourself. What? Are you mad because i can openly express myself and i dont care what people think? If so, then once again, that's not my problem. That's an issue within yourself.

I have enough confidence to brush off what people say about me, and not take every little thing to heart. I dont have to worry about what people say about me or to me, because in the end, i'm still going to do me, and you're still going to be the only one that has a problem with it. That's not hurting me one bit. I just wish other people had the confidence to be able to do what they want and not worry about what other people will think. Peoples opinions hold a lot of people back from doing what they really want to do at heart. And that's not good. A lot of that tends to happen in high school too. And i kind of understand it...but then again, i don't. Shit, this is high school. It's fucking high school. I guarantee you won't see half of these people that's talking shit about you after everyone graduates. I can promise you that. So you shouldn't always worry about what your fellow peers think of you, and what they have to say about you. Cause in the end, if you let what they say get to you, and you do what they say is hot and all that shit, then you have them controlling you. And when those four years [hopefully] of high school is over, and you no longer have nobody 'controlling' you, and telling you whats nice and what isnt, then what are you going to do? You need to have the confidence to be yourself, and do what you want. Because you're the only one to has to deal with you.

But, thats all i really have to say about confidence and whatnot. Only thing left to say is dont let people control you, dont let their words get to you, and just do you. That's it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

septum :)

so, im curently trying to talk my mom into letting me get my septum pierced. i texted and asked if i was able to get a nose piercing and she texted back saying we would talk when she got off work. good so far. lol i have a feeling if i present her with enough facts and ways to take care of it and show that i can hide it at work, she will say yes. ahhhhh, i hope so. if she sayd yes, i plan on taking my homie Danielle with me to get it done.

and even if my mom says no, im still going to get it done anyway :) im legal. i can do what i want.