Tuesday, November 10, 2009


when will you learn?

do you realize you honestly make me sick sometimes?

what do you see in yourself?

why do i get the feeling that at some point you are going to try and date to 'her'?

why do other people feel the same fcking way??!

why dont you ever realize how ignorant you sound sometimes? oh, cause you always right -_-

why do i even bother with shit sometimes? [oh, thats right. cause my dumbass actually loves you for some odd reason]

you know...theres a lot of things i cant figure out. a lot of questions i want answered. thats not even a quarter of em. but can i ask them? no. cause HE will get fckin offended or wont think there is shit wrong. people who cant admit a wrong honestly have some issues that they need to get over. man up once in a while and admit you're actually wrong about something. some of these thing i cant even talk to you about because sometimes i feel like your too fckin stupid to comprehend what im trying to get at and tell you. and you wont listen!!!!!!!!! you wont be able to understand my point. you'll brush it off and try and say i dont know what im talkin about or i sound stupid.


and so theres nothing i can really do but continue to be the way i am......

1 comment:

  1. or u could get a real man lollin jesus jus dump him &find someone that actually appreciates you cus trust me girl u gona regret it if u keep "goin as you are" or whatever without fixin whats broke
