Sunday, April 19, 2009

thts where you're headed*

sooooo. i was at work yesterday. and we got on the topic of gay people. and two of my co-workers were like if you gay, you going straight to hell. god didn't make it tht way. the girl tht said it was like 'if I decide to be gay one day ima just be like, well I guess I'm going to hell'. then my nigga D said something tht kinds confused me. he said 'if you a girl and you gay, then you good. but if you a dude, then you going to hell. thts just how it is'......

why is tht? some dudes are so against gay people but when they find out it's a gay girl they like oh, thts ok. ?? but didn't you just say all gay people going to hell? so wht is it? idk. I was just thinking abt tht.

I guess I'll go work on my school
work now. last day of spring break is today. ):


Mikey F. Baby


  1. lol anybody who says gay ppl are going to hell for being gay ought to consider the fact that judging other ppl is a sin too-- so what makes them think their sin is any better or worse than a gay persons? not to mention all the other things that are sins.. sex before marriage... etc etc. .

  2. the person before me is right...all sinned are equal in Gods eyes...its basically a matter of if you repent or not....sins that you dont repent for will send you to hell whether its being gay or judging can read specifically about homosexuals in 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, and Revelation 21:8

  3. thank you.
    like, they were contradicting themselves abt sins and whtnot.
    I'm like, yall not even making sense right now.
