Saturday, January 17, 2009

ching- music to my ears.

pay day was yesterday, yessssss.
check was looking rightttt. haha

wht am I gonna do with tht wonderful dinero?
buy shoes? nahhhh
buy clothes? nahhhh

I'm buying sht for my violinnnn!! haha. yeah, I can digg it. since I wasn't able to do anything today [cause my freakin brother and sis were being fcktards and got me in trouble] I decided to make covers for some if my favorite songs. ill post the videos later.

I had a panic attack today cause I definitely almost stepped in my violin today. lord, tht was stressful. lol violin repairs cost man. ah well, I was thinking of gettig a new violin soon. the one I want is around $520. not bad. I was considering selling my electric one, but then reconsidered, seeing as how I do a lot of good alternative compositions with it.

well, I'm in the mood to play, so I guess ill scoot along and play til my fingers fall off. haha
