Tuesday, January 20, 2009

white wonderland (:


it's snowinggg!!!!
yayyyyyy. and it looks like it sticking so tht means possibly no school tomorrow. the only bad part abt the snow is tht it's messing up my cash flow. I can't go in to work today cause the roads all slippery and Ish.

nigga, nothing gets in the way of my [$$$]. ima find a way to work. even if it mean I gotta walk my way there, which is doable, seeing
as how I live abt five mintues from my job.

it's all abt the dolla dolla bills yalllllll....and the pretty snow. haha (:

I think ill get up now. I usually don't wake up this early [it's nine:twelve]. might as well. take a shower, put on some rockin winter clothes, eat, and then go see if I can find someone to play in the snow with me.

any takers??? haha
-ciao <3

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. lol.
    i was supposed to work a nine hour shift today, but because i live in raleigh & work in durham - i cant =/.
